10 N Martingale Rd. Suite 400 60173
Schaumburg, IL
60173 USA

CBS Reviews: We Thought It Was Too Good To Be True

We Thought


The client, a provider of services for the Oil industry, was approached by Corporate Business Solutions exactly at their time of need.  The owners had just been discussing “how we were ready for a change, an adventure, a sellout, or something different than what we had been doing.”

They had reached a point of being fed up with the headaches, stress and responsibility of owning their business. “We felt like we kept working harder and harder for a lesser and lesser reward.  We were lost, not knowing how to make things better.” 

It was only a couple days after their conversation that a CBS representative stopped by their shop to talk to them about “business solutions, tax planning, transitional strategy planning, and all the things that we had just contemplated finding a way to do.  When he told us that they could help us move the direction that we wanted to go, we thought it was too good to be true.”

After an analyst examined their books and discussed in detail how the company would benefit from CBS’ assistance, they decided to “take the plunge.”


The client had a set of criteria about what he wanted from a consultant and he wasn’t certain if CBS could deliver, “I wanted to see and feel like this guy is here to show me the path, show me exactly what I am doing wrong, find my leaks and plug them.  Not just try to get me to make things work, but to force me into the right direction, past my personal arrogance and stubbornness.”

While his first impression was that his consultant looked too young to have the business knowledge required, “it didn’t take long to find out that our consultant was exactly what I was looking for when I wanted someone who wasn’t there to get along with me, but to make my business profitable.”

“He not only uncovered what I was doing wrong, but he also touched on the things that I was doing right.  He went through one end of my company to the other, number by number, line by line, and he didn’t hesitate to include me in everything that I needed to change, good or bad.”


“Our consultant hasn’t just given me the direction to turn my company around, but also showed and directed me into being successful. 

When I first started my company, I thought that this is easy, I can be successful, I just have to work hard.  I quickly discovered that I was wrong.  I grew myself into chaos and I couldn’t control it.  The past few weeks, I have come to the realization that I can control it, thanks to our consultant.”

Describing his consultant, the client shared, “A little arrogant?  Yes.  Slightly cocky?  Yes.  Knows his S***?  Better than I deserve to have in my corner as a consultant.  I couldn’t have asked for a better guy or a better consultant to have on my team.

I am extremely thankful to CBS and, more importantly, to our consultant, for giving me the tools to succeed as well as the pathway to walk towards being successful.  Thank you for all your help; my family and my company are in debt to you.”   Dan, President